Rates & Insurance


Services may be covered in full or in part by your health insurance or employee benefit plan. Please check your coverage carefully by asking the following questions:

What is my health insurance coverage and benefits?
What is my deductible and has it been met?
Do I have a co-pay? If so, how much is it?
What is my wellness visit coverage?

Please be aware that Dr. Shubert does not participate in any managed care health plans. Dr. Shubert does not participate in any managed care Medicare programs and currently is NOT accepting new Medicare patients. 

You will be asked to pay for the full office visit fee, and will be given a statement to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

Cash, check and all major credit cards accepted for payment.

Cancellation Policy
If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment and you have not notified us at least 72 hours in advance, may be subject to cancellation fees.

Schedule Online
Request an appointment online here.

We strive to provide quality care while maintaining affordable coverage and being a low cost clinic. If you have any questions about any of our services please contact us for further information.


Fee Schedule
Payment for services is important in any professional relationship. This is even truer in treatment. One treatment goal is to make relationships and the duties they involve clear. You are responsible for seeing that my services are paid for. Meeting this responsibility shows your commitment and maturity. Please discuss any fees with the business office.

You are responsible for all charges, regardless of insurance coverage as this office does NOT participate in any insurance plans (other than traditional Medicare).
Payment is expected at time of service by check, cash or credit card.

Initial Consultation/Evaluation $ 300.00 (90792)

Follow-Up Appointments $ 150.00 (99214)

Telephone/Collateral $ 300.00 hr/billed in 15minute increments (not covered by insurance)


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Helpful Forms

Click here to view and print
forms for your appointment